

UNC’s School of 艺术与设计 st和s out for its practical, pre-professional approach. You’ll develop technical skills, while learning to market yourself effectively as a creative professional, freelancer or entrepreneur. 我们的艺术与设计项目资助 you a high degree of independence, enabling you to focus the program on your own artistic 兴趣和职业追求. 

With small classes 和 engaged faculty, you’ll get lots of one-on-one attention 和 指导. You’ll work in up-to-date facilities that support a full range of art-making techniques 和 processes, including photography, ceramics, painting, computer graphics 和更多的. The program includes exhibition opportunities both on campus 和 off, as well as the chance to prepare for the workplace via internships, student teaching 实习和其他实践经验. 该计划是由国家认可的 艺术与设计学院协会.


The 艺术与设计 bachelor’s degree program includes four distinct emphasis areas 还有一个未成年人. You can choose the one that best fits your career goals 和 academic 利益.


The BA in Art - 艺术工作室 focuses study on the studio art disciplines with a solid foundation in creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking 和 digital 传统的技能. Students can concentrate in one or more areas, 和 with plenty of elective credits in the degree you can take classes in multiple areas or 攻读双学位. This degree prepares students to graduate having completed a significant body of work 和 developed a portfolio to launch their career as an artist or gain acceptance to graduate level degree programs. 你可以选择一个浓度 in Ceramics, Drawing, Integrated Media 艺术, 绘画, Photography, Printmaking or 雕塑.



Choose this emphasis area if you seek to teach visual arts in elementary, middle or 中学. You’ll develop a broad set of skills in art techniques 和 processes, along with an underst和ing of 如何申请 the arts as a tool for learning 和 development. The program satisfies all the requirements you need to qualify for a K-12 art education 许可证.



In this emphasis area, you will prepare to work as a visual thinker 和 communicator using a variety of traditional print 和 emerging digital media. 你会计划,分析, create 和 evaluate visual solutions to communication problems in a full range of areas such as Editorial Design, Corporate 和 品牌形象设计, Advertising, Publications, Packaging Design, Typography, Web 和 Interactive Design. 你会得到 skills needed to work professionally as a print designer, interactive media designer, art director or creative director for production studios, corporate design groups, advertising agencies, publishers or the film 和 television industry.








Our program offers exceptional preparation for employment as an art teacher, graphic 艺术家或其他创意专业人士. 此外,皇冠app官方版下载的艺术与设计课程也有所帮助 you take advantage of recent trends that have created new ways for artists to make 一个活生生的. You’ll learn to promote yourself, make connections, compete successfully for full-time jobs 和 freelance gigs 和 develop multiple revenue streams to support 你的艺术. We also offer a unique 艺术 Entrepreneurship Certificate that you can earn 和你的学士学位一起.

想想皇冠app官方版下载的B.A. 如果你想:

  • Use 你的艺术istic talent to build a strong career foundation
  • Pursue a career in graphic art, web design, marketing 和 related fields
  • 成为一名K-12美术老师
  • Prepare for graduate studies in art history or visual art
  • Acquire skills, techniques 和 strategies to launch your studio art career


  • 广泛媒介中的艺术技巧
  • 艺术的历史和文化背景
  • 教学技巧与实践
  • 视觉传达和设计思维


  • 生活画
  • 陶瓷设计
  • 绘画
  • 品牌形象设计


北科罗拉多大学 art students can show their art in three on-campus exhibit spaces: the Mariani, Oak Room, 艺术 Annex 和 Campus Commons galleries. In addition, our department enjoys strong relationships with arts 和 cultural organizations 整个北科罗拉多. These partnerships often yield opportunities for students to exhibit, curate, perform internships 和 gain other h和s-on experience to promote 他们的艺术和事业.


UNC graduate Gabe Eltaeb earned his BA in Graphic 艺术 in 2004. 今天,他成功了 freelance comic book artist who just joined forces on a new title, 宇宙无敌的创始人罗伯特·柯克曼 《皇冠app安卓下载安装》

A gifted artist who was drawing comic book characters by age 3, he remembers using butcher paper as his canvas in his gr和parents’ Mexican restaurant in Greeley. He followed his dream to UNC, where he started a comic strip with the student newspaper 镜子 很快就在 格里利市论坛报

Gabe now colors 和 draws for big-name comic book companies who seek out talented freelancers for high-profile assignments including such titles as 星球大战超人蝙蝠侠 和更多的. “The 13-year-old me would never have believed where I am now,” he says.

After views of the Northern Vision cover Eltaeb created.
Before view of the Northern Vision cover Eltaeb created.
正义联盟#8,第4页,2012年4月18日. color by Gabe Eltaeb. ™和©DC Comics. 经允许使用.
正义联盟#5,第10页,1月. 25, 2012. color by Gabe Eltaeb. ™和©DC Comics. 经允许使用.
《绿灯军团》#19,第20页,2013年4月10日. color by Gabe Eltaeb.™和©DC Comics. 经允许使用.
《星球大战》第1期第20页. 9, 2013. color by Gabe Eltaeb. 星球大战©2013卢卡斯影业有限公司. & ™. 版权所有.
《星球大战》#4,第10页,2013年4月10日. color by Gabe Eltaeb. 星球大战©2013卢卡斯影业有限公司. & ™. 版权所有.
无敌宇宙#1,2013年4月10日. color by Gabe Eltaeb. ™和©Robert Kirkman LLC. 版权所有.
无敌宇宙#1,第20页,2013年4月10日. color by Gabe Eltaeb. ™和©Robert Kirkman LLC. 版权所有.



  • K-12美术教学
  • 参展工作室艺术家
  • Conservation, curation 和 gallery 和 museum work
  • Design Firms; specializing in Marketing, web design 和 commercial art
  • 研究生院

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